Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tuesday's Things..........

The fruit basket that we gave to a neighbor was a hit.  We included some homemade fudge also with crackers and cheese. The little oranges are so easy to peel and do taste good during this time of the year.

It really is not a Christmas angel as it is holding a rabbit.  My wife has various kinds of angels for many different seasons. When our tree fell, it fell forward, so no angel was harmed.  I am going to start throwing away any artificial tree that has a failed support system at the base. The newer trees have solid construction with good design to prevent the tree from falling over in the middle of the night.

We did get to see the PBS broadcast of the "Nutcracker" the day of Christmas. Some of us slept through some of it but I saw most of it.  A local Iowa ballet group presented it a couple of years ago and the rebroadcast of it has become a  tradition each Christmas time.

A busy day ahead of us with things to do and people to see. It has been really chilly outside but today it is to get into the lower 40s temperature wise. Normal temperatures will be welcomed. I receive a new winter coat with a hood for Christmas.  It is intended for me to survive walking Barney outside in this winter weather.  I can leave off one of the layers of clothing now.

I installed yesterday the first of the two new light fixtures in the one gallery. It was easy compared to the second one which  will hang from a ten foot part of the ceiling. I have a step ladder that was my brother's which will fit the bill for being the right height.  I will trudge through that installation as I will have to do it in slow motion because of the height and because of the weight of the fixture.

Time to close this blog down for the day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. We are not as warm as you, but it is above zero so I won't complain! I love the Clementines and some this year are huge and very tasty! :)

  2. Love the Nutcracker! Both my wife and daughter collect nutcrackers - the soldier kind.

  3. Our experience with installing light fixtures is that you need 3 hands! lol

    That was a lovely fruit basket you shared with the neighbor. Is she the one who fell? I know John and I do not have the balance we once had and it is easy to fall. John had his walking stick when he fell the other day, but he took a terrible tumble down the driveway. Rather than run free, Theo turned back to lick John and to see if he was ok. I have enjoyed seeing your angels, ornaments, nutcrackers and also your snow photos of your neighborhood.
