Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Tuesday's Trivial Times..........

The afternoon sun set up some great yellowish colors on things in the area.  The distant yellow building is actually a storage granary that sits about  6 blocks away on the other side of town.  I don't think I have ever photographed  it before but it never had a spotlight on it so it would show up in a photo Zooming in on that tall storage facility caused the rest of the houses take on a surrealistic style.

I described this sight a a month ago when I saw a similar sight but the sun had changed location by the time I had the camera outside.  Yesterday the sun again was going down and it cast a glow on the sycamore trees across the street. This large leaves on the tree are hanging on right now and will be falling through most of the winter season. The are like small sculptures as the lay in snow drifts.  Those leaves will end up on the other side of my house being blowing there a long ways away from that tree.

A view down the street shows a large pine tree that stands in front of a drug rehab facility, formerly a nursing home. The rehab and emergency center was quietly and secretly put into the building without informing us, its neighbor.  All the trees along this new city-created ditch were removed and a pine tree gets to stay because it has no leaves. I miss the two silver maples that sat next to the sidewalk.  The squirrel population has moved on to the trees down the street but they do return to get free corn.

 I was walking Barney when this photo was taken and the wind was blowing in a lot of very cold air  I didn't have enough layers on for the walk and regret not putting one more coat on to keep warm. I was definitely chilled when I got home.

That cold air that was coming in was messing with the clouds.  The sun is setting in the west and the easterly clouds were looking like this.  The colors were different and the shapes were different than usual also. We are taking my wife's friend out for Asian buffet today.  It is here favorite place to eat.  It isn't my favorite place to eat but the buffet helps make me have control and kinds of things that I do eat. Our new car has a larger entrance to the back seat and she is really going to appreciate it. I did a trial run to get into the back, which I had not done while buying it, and the opening is wider and easier for swinging your feet into the back seat area.

It is going to be colder now and stay colder.  It is always an adjustment but we have really had warmer weather than usual.  We had another skiff of snow last night with a little bit of white stuff on the roof of the house and cars.  It is great that you stopped by today.  Thank you for the visit and I wish you all a great day.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your neighbors with the Pine Tree stay on their own property and cause you no problems. Up here most times Drug Rehab places are out in the woods someplace...I suppose they cannot run away from them. Cold and windy and snowy here:(
