Thursday, January 19, 2017

Findings in the Rubble......

Among all of the stuff that is out while sorting and tossing goes on in the gallery, I found this painting.  My wife had done this watercolor painting of the boys years ago.  They are now ages of 38 and 41 years now.  She had done it as a surprise gift for me and decided that she didn't like it. I do like it a lot and it is fun to find it.  I am going to frame the guys who have returned from fishing Lake Pokegama in Minnesota.

Another couple of other things that surfaced were these two.  The one is a pencil drawing my wife had done in the past.  The other is a pastel painting of AJ and I will be putting that into a frame. It was done a few months ago.

I am going to move this stuff with me to the new house.  I haven't finished one of the rocks but maybe I will have time.  I have some more rocks empty rocks that I need to paint seascapes on them.  I will be moving a box of rocks.

I took this painting down from its dark corner in the office area this morning.  The artists like to talk about the time in their lives that they paint it and others who view it, just want to look at it.  I painted this many years ago.  I was inspired to do it from my ideas of Claude Monte's garden bridge.  The trees are funny as I paint them in a stylized manner similar to the way Grant Wood painted his trees. It it a pleasing picture to see but I do know how many layers of paint that I had put on the trees, until I figured out how to solve the visual problems of them. This is a large painting done in oil paint

Another busy day today of work.  I didn't accomplish very much yesterday but progress did take place toward the end result. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. What GREAT finds.

    Are you two moving to a new house?


  2. I really like that pic of your two young guys!

  3. I really like the expressions on the faces your wife paints!

  4. That is a great painting of your boys! :) What treasures you are finding!!
