Monday, January 9, 2017

Old Stuff.......

In the past few years I learned that "people" called these designs, cabbage roses.  I know we had a bedspread that was loaded with the stylistic roses. While walking by this lamp globe I was reminded of the term. The two part lamp, I am thinking they are called hurricane lamps, was a gift to my mother forty plus years ago. When I closed down the house, it came back to me.  The orange colors make it tough to mix with the color schemes of today but it does look good on an old oak commode.
All of the original parts of the lamp are still in tact but the electric cord on it seems to be a very thin, cheap wire.

Another older piece, is this illustration that belonged to my dad.  My dad was in WW II and served in a division that was in the final states of the Battle of the Bulge. The illustration was an artists rendition of the crossing of the last bridge standing in Remagen, Germany.  Hitler was trying to destroy the bridge, their own bridge, to stop the Americans from crossing into the country.  All the other bridges of that river had already been destroyed but this one would not fall down.  My dad carried the radio for the officers in charge while making the invasion. He rode over the bridge on a jeep.  It was told that the bridge did succumb from the continual German bombing maybe a month or so later after the crossing of it. One day, without warning, it jest fell into the river.

A movie, "A BridgeToo Far " sort of told the story about the crossing. My dad said back then that their story was far too glamorized. After the bridge was crossed it helped to facilitate installing  floating army bridges that were used to transport trucks, jeeps and even tanks across the river. The success of this bridge crossing increased the timing of the fall of Germany.

When I saw this decoupage picture on plywood I knew that it was coming home with me. My dad relived the entire war experience almost daily and was still talking about it when I took him through an emergency room at the hospital for his last time.  His last experience he shared with me, was about the amputation of a soldier's leg while in the field. It became verbal for the first time when he was delirious and dying. His emotional wounds were never healed from that war.

On a lighter kind of subject, I will mention that this new pepperoni plant is just like my old one.  Once the plant matured I now see the leaf colors are all now jus the same. It is a good foliage plant and to think I first met on like this back when terrariums were the rage in the 1960s.

It is Monday and I am still on the art gallery project. Thirty years of stuff is being sorted as good or bad and packed into boxes or to the garbage for now. I have to take down a fake wood panel ceiling in the room and make the ceiling better.  The walls need work and a new floor has to go down.  Lots of decisions to make as to what the flooring will be. All these pictures need to come down and be boxed.

So I am done with the blog for today.  I appreciate your stopping by and reading my chatter.  As one of my blog friends say, "Ah, Tomorrow"!!!!!!!


  1. Enjoyed your blog today, I have been reading Bill O'Reilly
    book "Kinging The Rising Sun" about the War.
    Reading about your father gave a lump in my throat, how they suffered for the rest of their life, with the memory.
    Love the old lamp , my mother-in-law had one like yours. Wish I could have had it passed down to me.
    Like you new chair. We are going to get up to High 40's today.

  2. Recently my Dad was in the ER and all he talked about was Korea. It weighs heavy on their minds. War is hell.
    You have some big remodeling projects!! :)
