Sunday, January 15, 2017

Sunday Times........

The storage of these ornaments was in a tall glass jar with a lid.  Somehow, through the vibration of furniture as people walk by and gravity. the jar fell off the top of the table.  The jar did not break but I did loose about 5 of the ornaments.  These survivors are packed in a box now for safety reasons. Some of the ornaments are in bad condition and a select few are shiny brites. I have a few more of these in antique canning jars packed in boxes now.

The art gallery is not completely cleared but it is getting to be a lot closer than a week ago.  Maybe people are wondering why we are remodeling the room but it has been 30 years since it has had any real attention.  We are turning it into a family room.

We also have bought a newer home in Ankeny, Iowa and we are moving away from this old 110 year old house. Neither of us have ever lived in a new house and this one is only 13 years old. I can and will share more later, but we have a couple of months before closing.  We have spent the week boxing books and wrapping up art works.  We have only two paintings left hanging in the gallery now and I need to get a step ladder to bring them down.

We have been so disappointed with the weather as we were planning to go to Chicago for our youngest grandchild's baptism.  We just receive word today that the other grandson has stomach flu and the whole event has been moved to another date. Thankfully  the ceremonies are every two or three weeks in the church and all can be postponed. We feel so sad for our grandson being sick.  We can now quit beating ourselves up oner not being able to go today.

The buzz among the figurines that they are going to be put into a box along with all the other cheap ceramic pieces in the house is true.  My wife and I have a lot of collections.  Some things will have to be reduced in size. Others things may never be able to be taken from boxes, as newer houses have fewer places to stick things. My wife laughed yesterday about maybe we should leave notes in our boxes to our boys about the things we put in boxes.  Now that we are gone you may throw this away for us.

Grandma Bear and her kitty was a part of my mom's things.  I will move it and maybe it will be left in a drawer, but it will be moved.

As we work through these next few months we will be making a lot of changes in our lives. We will live in a quieter suburbia location and will adapt and create a new living place. The house and location is a very positive change for us. We are moving to a city though, that is growing by leaps and bounds. It is the third fastest growing city in the nation right now. I will have an Ace Hardware about  mile away from where we live. Life will be good.

Thank you for stopping by today.  I wish all will have a good day today.  Everyone please stay safe.


  1. Wow! You're moving? Best of luck to ya! Hopefully a newer home will have less issues and problems, but saying goodbye to the old one might be tough. I look forward to hearing how things go. Moving can be stressful, but also exciting!

  2. Wow Larry !
    Big changes coming your way...
    It's all so exciting, lots to do, but I'm sure you will take care of it.

  3. You are moving wow...I am stunned I figured you would stay in that home forever! You have lots of work ahead of you packing...and yes put notes in with things, I have just in case I am not around someday or cannot remember! I will miss you blue door and your pink house and your River Birch and all your plants. I suppose you are getting ready to sell or rent this house... I have heard of Ankeny I will have to look it up on the map. :)

  4. Sounds like what we've just been going through. We sold our home ( Cedar Pond) last May, and moved to another place we bought before we sold. Our whole last year has been sorting, packing, moving, trying to figure out where we're going to put things in our new home that is half the size of our previous home. Still getting rid of items we thought we NEEDED but don't fit anywhere here and none of our grown kids want. All in all, glad we've moved, love our new home, and discovered we really didn't need and don't miss the items we had to let go of. Healing, painful, but healing ! You can do it Larry. :)

  5. Came back a post to read about your move. Funny about the notes in the boxes. If nothing else, just label them well for when ever they are opened in the future by you or your children. Sounds like you've got the moving plan under control.

  6. I'm happy for you. I hope that you will still have plenty of room for growing things to photograph, including birds and irises !
