Monday, February 13, 2017

Lines in the Sky........

The neighbors row of trees make a nice pattern against the Sunday afternoon sky.  The balsam pine to the right is growing larger each year, faster now that it doesn't have two silver maple trees to shade it.

Across the street the maple tree is a line filled pattern with a squirrel's nest at the top. This is the one bright orange tree in the fall across from our house.

Looking up yesterday while being outside with Barney, I could see that I needed to get my camera.  The sun in the west was causing glow on the tops of the birch.  A lot of the buildings along the street were being lighted up from the afternoon sun.

The hydrangea is to a pretty sight at this time of the year.  Eventually the dead parts from last years flowers will fall off and the stems will leaf out again.

Busy as usual today on the remodel job. Things are being accomplished that make me feel like it can be competed.  Not for a couple of weeks, it will get done.  I hope everyone had a good weekend.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I see the squirrel's nest! Very nice photos from your time outdoors with Barney. We trimmed our hydrangea last week, but not very much as new growth had already started.

  2. Awesome patterns post! Hope all is well with you! I've had so much trouble with blogger lately I can't keep up with everyone, but I keep trying!
