Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Middle of the Week.......

On the wall in the living room hang these three visuals.  The Impressionist painting, by J.B. C. Corot, is actually a print mounted on wood. It was a gift from a friend.  The photos are from a woman who use to blog.  She had lived in Washington and then moved to the eastern coast.  She started sharing her photography and then started selling them at shows.  I won the one photo scene with the trail from a contest.  She sent my a sheep photo also as I always admired her animal photos.

The oxalis is reacting to the longer days of sun by putting out new buds. It seems to be cold outside today but the sunshine is very welcomed

I will downsize the number of plants that I will be taking to our new home.  This plant will probably get planted into the larger planter that is filled with oxalis also.  It can sit outside all summer on the patio.

My major project continues.  I get discouraged because it is n't done but I finally realize that I have improved the room so much that sticking to the project will be worth while.  Thank you all for stopping by today.


  1. Love the oxalis plant. Those pictures are very nice. Do take care and don't over-do.

  2. You should probably take a day off, you sound tired and a bit discouraged with your project. One day at a time :)
