Saturday, February 11, 2017

Two seasons.......

While looking up an address in the phone book one of my leaves fell out. I pick these leaves up in the fall and shove them into a phone book to see if I can save the color of them.  The start decoration is from my neighbor's out door tree.  She put out a nice display of metal ornaments like this one.  When I would walk by with Barney on his walks i enjoyed seeing them blowing back and forth on the tree branches.  When then neighbor took them in, just recently, I noticed one didn't make it back inside. I have carried this in my coat pocket of a week now. I decided to take it out so I could remember to give it back before next Christmas.

I hope all will have a great rest of this Saturday and tomorrow will be a restful day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. The leaf has held its color quite well and it presented an interesting contrast with the neighbor's metal ornament. There are skylights here in our mill apt building in an open area on the 5th floor where we live and thankfully we can enjoy them.
