Thursday, March 23, 2017

Dr. Vet Visit........

Barney had a busy day, having to  go in in for a shot.  The antics it takes to get him into the car are getting to be harder to do.  He doesn't want to use his back legs and yet does want to go for a ride. When we came home from the vet visit, he refused to get out of the car.  He reminds me of a young girl in the neighbor hood that does that to drive her parents crazy. When he finally faced humiliation being forced to leave the car, all seemed to be ok.  Barney then refused to go outside  the rest of the day as I might try to take him back to the vet again. Late afternoon he did finally go for a walk and some  woman walking by us called him a pretty lady.  How frustrating to not know that he is a tough looking guy dog. He was looking good though as he had to be brushed up extra special to visit his vet.


  1. Poor Barney! He looks very handsome. Funny how our pets are slow to forgive us for those visits to the vet. I hope he has a good night.

  2. Taking cats to the vet brings different challenges. They have these claws that grip everything... including my arms and shirt! Hope he is feeling better soon. (from the depression...not from the small poke the doc gave him) hehe.

  3. Poor Barney being called a lady dog:( Chance has problems too. We have a vest with a handle that he hates. But I discovered that sometimes he just needs a little help...I ripped and old hand towel apart into strips and tied them together and it is a make shift strap that I keep in both cars to help him up. I slip it under his belly and grasp it with one hand and lift. Down has only been a problem once...but the time is coming when Chance will have to stay at home and he won't like that at all. Getting old sucks for good dogs:(
