Sunday, March 19, 2017

Sunday Morning......

The skies have been glowing ones the past few days.  It definitely is becoming more like spring each day. Barney has decided that he needs frequent walks on the leash now so we were out early this morning walking up and down the streets.

Our neighbor's cat found the table on the porch to be free from a power saw, so he made himself a place to be. He really is the neighbor hood cat as I have seen him up rubbing against the two boys next door.  Yesterday we saw him crossing the main highway going to another part of town.

The birds all seem to be hiding out and not making themselves to be in view. I see the doves once in a while at the feeder but nothing else.  I heard a meadowlark yesterday while I was outside and I did hear a pheasant calling from the east of us in the farm field this morning. Other birds are out there calling but I have yet to hear the cardinal calling to declare it territory.

We have a busy week ahead of us.  I keep readjusting my attitude towards goals.  We have the luxury to get things done on our own time schedule and the packing and moving is going to happen at our pace.  We can not possibly just move into our newer home.  We have to get a dog adjusted to the new location with short visits for a few weeks. He will get to sleep in our room unlike at the old place where he could not do the stairs.

Our projects in the newer home are so minimal compared to the house that will be emptied. The newer house has a yellow bedroom that will definitely be repainted.  The husband of the former owners must have picked out the color and put it up quickly.  We want to replace a room's floor with carpet turning it into a wood floor.  That is all we need to do at the new place.

It is Sunday as we are off this morning for church and Sunday school teaching.  We will get a lunch and buy a few things on the way home.  Then the afternoon will be rest and relaxing for the rest of the day.  I hope everyone is thawing out and spring will be showing itself in your area.  Thank your for stopping by today.


  1. Well hope for spring is just south of you, here in south Arkansas we had to turn our air on yesterday. I am waiting on a price and size of the print of the barn. That must have been an ugly yellow. My kitchen is a bright yellow called Frist Light and it brightens my day, it is trimmed in Dove white. I know you will be glad to finish the remodeling. My daughter's husband is doing the work on theirs. He finished the counter tops yesterday. He bought some of my son's special cuts of wood for his back splash. He took out 4 walls in the house. The kitchen, den, and dinning rooms are all one room now. You have a restful day.

  2. That cat really gets around!
    So thankful that you only have 2 projects at the new house. I hope Barney will adjust well to his new home. The worst move we ever made was with six cats and little time to adjust and a 2 hour drive to get to the new house. Looking back I don't know how we survived! lol
    I pray that everything goes smoothly and that you both will be so very happy in your new home.

  3. Sounds like you are getting ready to slowly move! Yes poor old Barney may need some time to adjust. Oh I like yellow, but it needs to be a soft shade! Wood floors are easier than carpet for sure. If you only have two projects at the new house then that is a good thing :)
