Thursday, March 30, 2017

Thursday and on the move......

We do have rabbits at our new place.  We also have cardinals visiting our spruce pine. I don't know if I can handle it but I will be off the internet soon as the new place is not hooked up to the internet.  It took us three days to get them to listen to us that we needed some service.  After getting through the hour long process to get things set up they say they can't come until Monday for a land line, internet and cable.  I asked why, as I can't believe they are so booked up to not give us a phone line.
Sooooooooo, it will be hit and miss as to me being on the blogs.  I will be working on the house to get it ready for sale while living in the other house.

Our one main hurdle now is to convince the natural gas company that we want to be billed at both of the residences and don't shut one of them off.


  1. Love the bunny photo. You will enjoy the Cardinals, too. When we moved last July, we were without water for several days despite having everything planned in advance! I hope everything works out smoothly. Be sure to take care of each other during this stressful time. Take a break when you can and give Barney a big pat on the head from us.

  2. May it all go smoothly for you ~ FlowerLady

  3. Sorry your internet & phone can't be hooked up right away! Love the rabbits! Hopefully you will be settled soon.

  4. I know you will get all the glitches solved sooner or later. Hope when you notify SS of your address change it doesn't mess anything up! :)

  5. Good luck with all your request, they can be so slow.
    Sure makes one wonder how they get your bill out so fast.

  6. Not long now, it's all so very exciting !
    Love those rabbits....

  7. Hope your week of chaos and exhaustion goes well!
