Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tuesday's Special.......One Shot.

A small window to the world that is yet to be finished.  It was installed 15 years ago when my father-in-law moved into the room.  I hurried and installed a big picture window and this smaller one on the south of the room.  He enjoyed both of them as he could open up the one for fresh air The big window let him see kids and cars go by the house.  I worked on a cabin in Minnesota a lot in my early years so I installed the windows just like they were in a cabin.  I used pine boards and exaggerated the size of the trim boards.  I will probably paint the window now as the is the next room to be remodeled.

I have had another busy day today and will be glad that one major thing in the gallery will be done by Thursday.   A new ceiling is going in and it will look so nice to help finish off the room.

We thawed out today a little from the sunshine.  We didn't get up above freezing but spots did thaw.  Tonight it is to be very cold and then a warm up will begin.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. I am glad you are making headway on the ceiling. What a big project you have taken over...hope you get to rest one of these days and eat pie! :)

  2. You are accomplishing so much! We are cold in GA today. Hoping for a warm up over the weekend. Take care.
