Friday, April 14, 2017


The back side of the house is not a very good looking view. The two positive things are the large plantings of clematis.  The bottom side of this shows the vines of a dozen stems headed up the trellis. I have another clematis planting nearby that doesn't have such an elaborate set up for vining plant.

As a correction to this post, I can now see that this vine is not a clematis.  I thought for sure that it was. I will have to wait to see the blooms to give it a proper identification. When I look at the leaves it clearly is something unknown to me.

The landscaping on this side of the house seems to not exist.  I don't understand why there isn't a specimen tree planted in front of that blank space of the house. This is the north side of the house and I will plant something by fall to help make it look better..  The garden shed full of free tools sits underneath the fireplace bump out.

The deck does make a great shaded area for a patio. The former owners had a free standing wood burning fireplace.  I have been left piles of wood as seen here.  I am not so sure I want to venture into that at this time.

I have yet to move any patio furniture.  I either have to lean on my friends for help with that or buy a truck.  I think I told you the story before that I was going to buy a truck and I decided it was too big for my garage.  I am still in the evaluation stage of what kind of truck that I can find.  I don't have time to buy a truck at this point in time.

I found hosts up already. They are growing under the steps.  I do want to bring a sample of each of my hosta collection to the new garden.

I am headed to my garden shed again today working at clearing it out and bring home the valuable stuff. It seems to be a partly rainy day for today but I will go anyway.

Thank you for stopping by today.  I wish you all to have a great weekend.


  1. You are going to have fun getting your
    flowers and plants in. From the back it
    is a much bigger house. Know you are
    going to enjoy getting it just right for the
    next few years.

  2. The clematis will be amazing when it blooms.
    Have a Happy Easter!

  3. Things will slowly come together. We have a lot to do as well!

  4. I wonder if maybe that is a jasmine vine. Your home is very lovely and I like all the windows. So nice to have the tool shed with everything handy for projects.

  5. You will like that shady area in the heat of the summer! I wonder what the vine also...when it blooms we will know for sure!
    We started Chance on a new tick and flea treatment, you give it once every three months, it is called Bravecta I think. One dose is $60 so it is comparable to the stuff you put on their skin that makes their coat oily. Bt all reports it works real good:)

  6. That's a big house, lots of room for all of your collections !
