Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Middle of the Week......

We couldn't toss him as his cuteness was so great. Stuffed toys really don't weather well and we had some that were thirty years old.  They were in storage in plastic bags in the basement. I know now that 99% of them are headed for the landfill.  I saved this one and a couple of Disney ones that were clean.  I saved two Godzilla ones for our older son to see. He was given a larger soft one and then a smaller one later.  I had forgotten about that so I saved them for a while longer.

I have to study the situation with photographing birds.  I don't have the best way to take shots as I have large glass areas between me and the birds.  The birds do see me and escape quickly.  We have one set of cardinals but I have yet to get a shot of either one of them. The house finches are plentiful here and of course there are lots of sparrows. I haven't been scolded yet by any neighbor for feeding them but I don't think that it is any of their business. I am needing to pick up a goldfinch feeder as we do have them here too.

I worked at the old house yesterday.  I cut some of the tulips to bring home for display.  They are blooming right now earlier than normal. I have fern leaf peonies yet to bloom and they usually are the first to bloom in the garden.

I dug a few iris yesterday and added them to the things that I need to get planted at the new home.  I may do a quick planting of them temporarily before I find permanent places for them.  The new home still has things coming up which I need to see before I start planning placement.  I discovered that under the deck stairs are a full planting of lily of the valley.  There are hosta plants poking through in a few different areas.

I am going to plant these this morning so they can be in the ground before our rain storm that is coming. I have one of my favorite hosta plants in that pile that puts out large leaves. I am digging up a couple of rhubarb plants to give away and I think the hosta will go in the place of one of them.

I am taking the day off from working at the old house.  My body tells me I need to stop and quit doing that job.  I can go back tomorrow and Friday.  I have been taking the weekends off anyway.  A day off won't be totally a restful day but it will be different kind of work.

I finally got the grill up and running.  I usually have to screw up a lot even if I do read the directions.  I tried to cook steak on low heat, but their symbols on the grill do not make any sense.  I do have it figured out now and I can cook on there a lot faster now.  The cooking on a second story deck is a new thing for me.  It was like being on view as I cooked the meat last nigh.

It is the middle of the week.  We have some purchases to make today and don't have far to travel any more. I wish everyone to have a great day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Looks like you are moving right along with getting settled.
    Oh! I love Lily of the Valley never had luck are right place
    to grow them.They were a childhood favorite.

  2. You should take more than a day off, you deserve it! It has been a busy winter for you!

  3. You are ticking off your list, slowly but surely.
    I'm with you on keeping the old stuffed animals, when my granddaughter got married she brought a bag full of her stuffed bears to my house, to display in her little bedroom. I asked why she didn't take them to her new home....her answer....I don't want them taking up room !
    Salvaging your plants, what could be lovelier...
