Thursday, May 25, 2017

House Finch Friendly..........

The sock will have to be filled again soon.  I think the goldfinches have found a different source for food as they don't frequent the area as much.

I had a raccoon visit my bird feeder and knock it down a few days ago. He did it in the night and the bracket and feeder was on the ground.  I wonder if the raccoon fell that one story deck down to the ground.  I temporarily put Barney's old bowl out to get things going again.

A blurry shot of what types of antics that the birds pulled as they discovered all that free food out in an open bowl.

I looked out at one time and the mourning dove was also sitting in the bowl. I am now using the bird feeder again.  I just take it down each night now and place it out the next morning.

This is the morning show without a cloud in the sky.  The moon is gone now but the planet is still shining brightly in the sky.  The camera just didn't pick up that star-looking planet.

We have another busy day planned or should I say unplanned but filled. I did the dentist thing yesterday and we made a visit to the old house. We will visit my wife's cousin again today.  We go morning and evening to keep track of her condition.  She is still in critical care. Plans to take her husband to visit yesterday fell though but maybe today that will happen.  My oldest brother and wife will be in southern Iowa this next week.  We should get together eventually some time next week.  I wish you all well today. Thank you for your visit to my blog today.


  1. Remembering your cousin in prayer.
    This sky picture is so crystal clear. I love the variety of birds that frequent your deck.
    Hope the dental visit was successful.
    God bless you and your wife.

  2. We had the Dentist on our list this week also, one crown later were were done..for now. Rainy here too, today wasn't so bad but it was windy:)
