Thursday, May 11, 2017

Old Fashioned...........

My cemetery iris did bloom while inside the house.  I brought them home on Tuesday. I was hoping the buds would go ahead and bloom. They are going to do that. I took the jar of flowers outside to take the shot and the one part of the flower is blowing in the wind.

 I did bring a new start of this iris and it is planted in the back yard area.  It is an old fashion iris that might just bloom for me next year.

It has a busy day and I have a shortage of photos in which to share. I know for sure that our crew will be here in the morning to install the office/studio floor.  It shouldn't take long and we can spend the rest of the day putting the desk and bookshelf back into the room one more time.  We will be able to move on with the rest of the unpacking.  We did hang a framed print in the entry way yesterday.  That is the first official hanging of anything on our new walls.

I thank you all for stopping by today.


  1. Oh! happy day you are getting the floor fixed.
    Glad the iris bloomed for you.The ones here have been pretty but gone now until next year,wish they bloomed all year.

  2. The Iris is a beauty, I like the old fashioned ones the best! Yeah for finally getting the flooring done!! :)
