Saturday, May 20, 2017

Saturday Shots.....

I am seeing the peony season stating at the old place and I have six or seven peonies at the new place with large buds on them.  The flowers seem to bloom at similar time but places where their gardens are more protected their iris and peonies are all blooming.  The cold wind today will slow the blooming progress for now.

We squeeze in things to do that are a part of the moving in process, at any free time that we can.  Our visiting the hospital twice a day is the priority so everything else that needs to be done is on hold. I hung one of my wooden horses up on the wall, high above the cupboards.  It didn't take much time but I had to get everything in place to make it happen. I am sure the displays will change as we find things that we prefer to put in them.  We have enough things to cover the whole area but I think that would be more junky-looking than having good design.  I did find a brown stoneware container, in front of the spice chest, that seemed to fit in with the group.

I have a lot of mowing to do here at the new house.  I have photos to take of the rose bushes as they are filled with blooms now.  My hosta plants are really looking great in the rock garden.  Other photos needed to be taken are the red twig bush is blooming and the honeysuckle vine is really looking great.  I am outside early in the morning with Barney to keep track of things that are growing but a fine mist, rain and cold really keeps me from taking photos.

Many things to do today and I hope to accomplish some of the tasks.  I have iris rhizomes to plant but it is just too muddy as it keeps raining.  Heavy downpours seem to be the norm right now.

The weekend is here and hope everyone has great plans for the two days.  Thanks for checking in today.


  1. You have peonies! Mine are in bud we will see if they bloom or not :)

  2. I love the vignette you created above the cabinets. Very nice and pleasing to the eye. As I've said before, we have a similar situation above our kit. cabinets.
