Friday, June 16, 2017

Anniversary Day.......

I have been busy and really didn't notice that I had not been blogging.  It seems to be a busy life and I have been about doing other things.  It has rained a lot since I last blogged.  We keep getting half inch rains at many different times.  Our yards are coming back from looking dormant. The flowers and tomatoes don't need to be watered morning and evening anymore.

It is a happy rabbit that finally was unpacked and displayed.  A part of our giving was to help out my wife's friend with buying her a new bed and moving her things from an efficiency apartment to a larger normal sized apartment. The good thing about the moving was her newer place is down the hall three doors and across the hall. We moved all her big things yesterday.

I have to mention the good thing of having the new large used truck. I could move the mattress and box spring  to her place with ease. While driving there yesterday we saw a smaller sized truck which was hauling a king size bed in the back.  The bed was draped over and hanging out, blowing in the wind.

Another thing was place on the wall the past few days.  It had been hanging in the dining room of of the old house and now it is a living room piece.

The mirror in the back of this glass case makes it reflect all the small things in it.  We have one crystal piece to be super glued back together and one crystal toothpick holder did not survive the move. We have not had much damage but those two things seemed to need better attention when they were pack.

Our neighbors at the old house were moving also and he asked to put some things in my dumpster.  I didn't see anything that he threw away that I wanted but then I saw his floating duck.  He is a hunter and used this decoy during duck hunting season. I am sure he had many more than just one plastic duck but this one must not have made the move. So now I have this and two fake Canada geese.

My wife and I have been married now for 33 years, as of today.  The years go by so quickly and the things we've have seen and done are so many.  We would never have imagined who we would become as a couple but I am proud of us. We take such good care of each other and our ability to have an outreach for others is such a blessing.  Moving to a newer home, after living in a very old home for 33 years, gives us a refreshing change for the many more years.  We are going to take the day off from heavy labor today and will be eating out at one of our favorite Italian restaurants. It should be a great day.

Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Happy 33rd Anniversary! I am proud of you and wish you many more wonderful years to come in your new home.


  2. Happy Anniversary!
    To a very nice happy and loving couple.

  3. Happy Anniversary! I hope you will have a lovely meal at the Italian restaurant. So glad you could be of help with the move yesterday. You both are very caring/compassionate people to your friends there and also with your blog friends. John and I are thankful for your friendship thru blogging and we keep you both in our prayers.
    I had an eye exam this a.m. in another town, and afterwards we treated ourselves to our fav. Mex restaurant and a walk thru one store. We had a nice time but we are glad to be home, out of the heat and traffic.
    God bless you both.

  4. Belated happy anniversary wishes to you both and goo that you were taking the day off and dining out. Celebrate and enjoy because you deserve it!
