Friday, June 9, 2017


Clear sky this morning reinforced that weather prediction that it will be hot and dry today.  The vapor trail of two of the Air Force planes (jets) are scratching marks across the sky.

We planted the front yard planter with flowers in the afternoon when  it was hot. I had to keep stepping back into the shade of a tree during the work. My wife actually planted them but the gardener assistant dug up the are with a spade trying to loosen up the hard dry soil. Once planted everything was soaked at the time and again soaked in the evening.

We planted herbs in the back yard with the tomato plants and there are a few marigolds that will go in early this morning before the heat hits.  We were too tired to get the yellow flowers put in and it was time to get in out of the heat.

We went to the big established garden center to buy the bulk of our flowers.  We will probably hit other places for pots of flowers and some vines.  My wife picked out a nice color scheme to go with the house and they were colors she liked.

The names of the petunias were ones that reminded us of food.  One was called "cherry swirl "and the other had something related to twisting designs.

Everything fits perfectly.  I almost had to remove a set of the doors on the closet but the unit did slipped into the space. My wife drawers of pastels went into the space also.  I knew I had built it correctly but it was still stressful watching my wife roll that into the hole.  I was thinking I could have screwed up the dimensions. The shelves are probably too shallow but most things will fit onto them without a problem.  Being recycled wood the dimensions, width of them. was predetermined and the wood was sort of free then.

We are headed to the northerly house today to pick up chest of drawers for my wife's friend. The friend is maybe backing out on taking them but we do have uses for the two, if she does not want them.

I had a neighbor given free reign over a lot of different kinds of older dressers and he and his wife, plus a daughter, took four or five pieces of them. Our sons moved all the furniture to the living room for us, so we wouldn't have to carry them downstairs.  I will still have two pieces left to get rid of and I believe they will go to the curb with free signs attached to them. Some of our sets of drawers were pine, unfinished furniture, painted with dark stain.  They were used in the kids room. My wife's desk belongs to someone else and it too will probably go out on the side porch with a free sign on it.

We have a second realtor inquiring about the house. It is a feeling of joy that someone wants the house.  Our shingle man, a former student of mine 20 years ago, is going to put a new roof on in July.  We were wishing for sooner but we have learned a lot of patience this whole year. I won't sell it in bad condition. We also wanted to get it painted but maybe we will wait on that.

My wife and I each lost a first cousin this week. Her's died on Monday night and mine passed away on Wednesday morning.   It awakens us both to the importance of living life well and appreciating every thing.  It takes time to adjust to the present with all of the past memories of both of them.  Each had different lives and different kinds of families. We both realize that time will give us a way to be at peace with our two being in Heaven.

Thank you for stopping by my post today.


  1. Sorry to hear of the recent deaths in the family. It's true that an event like that will cause a certain amount of introspection, and a reminder to enjoy every day we are blessed with.

    I love the petunia's, didn't realize they named them with desserts in mind...made me hungry!

  2. Love the colors she picked.You two are getting settled in nicely.
    Sorry about your cousins, most of ours are gone so sad.

  3. Praying that your other home will sell quickly and go smoothly.
    So glad you were able to purchase flowers for your new yard. Our neighbor gifted us some marigolds that are really putting on a show right now.

    I am sorry for you and your wife's loss this week. My childhood friend's dad passed away this morning. He and my late dad were close friends and Deacons at the church together.

  4. Nice set of shelves. It has the option of holding a variety of different things.

  5. Yes indeed, live life well every day! Shelves worked out well.
