Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Middle of the Week......

I guess the reflective surface messed with the focus on this ceramic rooster. I didn't notice until I enlarged it.  There are many ceramic pieces that I have yet to unpack.  We aren't sure we have any real good place to display them. I believe we will just have to live in the new place longer and the placement of things will happen.

We are back to unloading some of our boxes from the move. We did pack things by categories but some of the boxes are full of hodgepodge of kinds of things.  The art gallery was packed first and we keep finding boxes of mixed items that will be place in different locations.  Art room stuff can be lots of different kinds of things.

We have two pieces of furniture that are still wrapped in plastic placed there from the movers.  When they get unwrapped we can start placing things in shelves and drawers. I am building a shelving unit for my wife to use in her closet that is in the office/studio area.  I am making it so it can store things where clothes would normally be hung. I hope I can get it up and not have to attach anything to the walls in the closet. I was pleased that I had shelving boards to use to make it.  It is a good way to repurpose them.

While taking Barney out this morning I looked over my shoulder to see this sky. It cools down at night but we will warm up again today.  I will try to finish up my mowing this morning in the backyard before it gets too hot. My neighbor is saying we may have to start watering our yards.  The worse part is in the front part where there is a lot of clay rather than dirt on the ground.

This peony is starting to fade but it is still good looking.  The flower was a bud that I brought into the house.  It took a few days before it opened to bloom.

We have enjoyed fresh flowers in the house for quite a long time.  I am seeing that the roses will have to keep us in flowers now as there are no other plants in the yard that will put out blooms. I have no day lilies in my new garden.  I brought a lot of iris that will be blooming next year at this time.  My iris at the old house did not do as well this year as I wasn't there to maintain the weeding needed to help them bloom.  My day lilies are starting to bud but nothing is in bloom yet.

We have been catching up on a lot of sleep and recovering from the experiences with the past three weeks at the hospital. We are now changing our goals as we continue to unpack things.  We haven't been to the bookstore for a while and are hoping to get to make a visit soon.  We have flowers to buy to get planted and that needs to be done soon.  The more days we have them in the ground the better off we will be.  My five tomatoes are doing well and I need to collect grass clippings for mulch. I have yet to get my new string put into my weed eater.  It is a job, to relearn how to load that thing, but maybe today I will figurer it out.  I remember some things about replacing the string for it and I don't know if I have the hands and fingers to make that happen.  I will just try it anyway.

Every one have a great Wednesday. Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Your move sounds so much like ours! I finally got many keepsake breakables all onto a meal shelf, still in bubble wrap, waiting for the shelves I have to have made in the dining room so they can be displayed. There are still boxes to unpack in almost every room and the garage is a hodgepodge! So much work...I know it will take me another year to get this done! Love your beautiful peony!

  2. My Grandmother had those chickens! Fun to see them! We are warm up here so I am certain you are sweltering in the heat. I am mowing about every four days:)

  3. All the best as you continue to unpack and organize. I know caring for both homes is tiring. July will mark our one yr anniv. of moving. We hope we never move again!
