Sunday, June 11, 2017


I purchased some more marigolds to plant around my tomato plants. I have the raised bed that could use a lot of decoration.  It is too hot to plant them so they are enjoying life in the shade in the garage. Maybe on Monday they will be planted.

I promise not to keep posting photos of this until it looks a whole lot better.  The bed sits out in the open in direct sun all day.  The good thing is that tomatoes love heat.  The bad thing is I didn't have the time to get them in the ground any sooner.  My neighbor to the northwest has plants twice this size already with blooms on the them.

The moving and unpacking continues. I have had some time to get more boxes emptied and moved some furniture into place.  This is in the basement room and I moved the toy cupboard into a permanent location. The boxes in front of it are full of the antique toys and the car collection.  On another day, they will be put into the cupboard. The door to the right is an opening to a cave-like space which is yet to be determined for use.  The realtor said kids like to play in there and also people put their suitcases in there.  Our two suitcases and one small carry on bag would be lost in that space. It is too short for an adult to walk in so one has to bend over to put things in it.

I am finding too many boxes of things that were put together at the last moment. They are full of so many different things that don't relate.  I can't just take the whole box and put it in a drawer.  I think it will be more like finding five different doors and put some of it also in the workshop.

There is a downstairs bathroom and bedroom in the house.  I believed the owners thought it would help to sell the house to a larger family. The two of us fit in it just fine. The designer of the space left this nook for a linen storage unit. I found the perfect antique chest of drawers to fit into it.

It feels good to be putting things away.  These drawers will have a lot more things than towels and sheets. Of all my antique furniture pieces, I think this is the one that ranks as my most liked. The pulls on the drawers are the original pulls and each drawer has a lock on it. That idea of locking each drawer is so unexpected. I stripped the old dark varnish off of this when I was a kid in high school. My mom paid six dollars for it at an auction where not one was wanting to buy furniture.

Things that need to be put in the ground immediately.  I guess they can go in on a hot day as seeds are tough when it is hot of cold. Living in town means I will have a tough time getting rid of the sunflower stalks but I can cut them into pieces with a saw. If it is too difficult this fall I will stop growing them.

I appreciate that you have stopped by today. I wish everyone well on this Sunday day.


  1. Such wonderful chest of drawers! Perfect for your décor. I am slowly getting my house in order, takes so much work! I figure about another six months! I really love marigolds...your raised bed is wonderful....if it was here, it would have to be covered in a wire cage. We fight the battle of the mule deer!

  2. That is a beautiful dresser I can see why it is one of your favorites! :)
