Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sunday's Shares........

Our former owners built a planter in the front yard.  In reality, it is the only planter in the many yards up and down the street.  I decided we needed to make a bigger impression with it as it is the only planter. Should I say, we are being self conscience, as we are new to the neighborhood. My wife picked out the flowers and to the most part got it planted.  I added some cannas and, my wife placed  more flowers to the sides on Saturday. I will keep you updated on the progress of the flower garden.

This is the place where the bleeding heart and New England bluebells are planted.  Once they are gone they were cut back. There are coneflowers there and some oral bells.

The locust tree is planted next to the planter.  I really like the tree's foliage. My memories of the old fashioned locust trees on the farm were not good ones. The two old locust trees had big thorns.  The parts of the branches would land in the yard and bare feet would walk on them. The thorns were larger than a rose thorn.  I remember the seed pods too that were all over the yard in the fall. This is not a great looking tree in the winter but it is a strong sturdy one and seems very healthy.

My neighbor saved grass clippings for me to use as mulch for the raised bed.  I have six different varieties of tomatoes planted and the flowers are accents.  The neighbors to the northwest have plants that are twice my size but I will catch up with them.  The bed is in the hot sun all day and that really does make a tomato grow better. I had too much shade at my old place.

A closer shot makes them look bigger.  I am pleased that all of the tomatoes seem sturdy and have rooted in well. There was a stray plant with one of them that I bought so I did get two plants for the price of one. I planted it separately and it is doing fine.

We are headed to southern Iowa this afternoon for an anniversary celebration.  My dad's first cousin and her husband are celebrating their 69th wedding anniversary. Also they both had 90th birthdays the past two months. My mom was a country school teacher and taught Leona at a country school. My dad is the one who was related. His dad and her mother were brother and sister. The kids are all second cousins.

I attended school with their three kids so it will be good to see them again. Of course all the kids are in their 60s.  We will celebrate Father's Day with a meal out on Monday as the day will be too scheduled to have that happen today. We will stop at the cemetery on the way home where family is buried at Murray.

I wish you all to have a good day and thanks for stopping in today.


  1. That is a lovely flower garden and I love the tree, also. You have made me hungry for a vine-ripe tomato!
    I know you enjoyed the anniversary party today. Maybe you will share a few photos at a later time.

  2. I like your flower bed, I hope the neighbors have welcomed you with cookies! :)
