Monday, June 5, 2017

Monday's the Beginning........

Yellow Evening Primrose

The white peony at the new house is not the old fashion variety.  It must be a hybrid of it as it has clusters of buds and blooms. I like the old fashioned variety better and will move one from the old place.  I think that there are about two other old fashioned ones that I want to move and then I will not mess with any others.

This is another new plant for me.  When it is finished blooming it is either going to be moved or removed.  It was planted in front of a rose bush and it is so large the it covers the view of the rose.

My wife's cousin, who is at a hospice, is still a great concern for us. Our responsibly has lessened now as her daughter has come back to be with her. The daughter has a tough job with a frail and difficult father and a mother in hospice. We will still be involved but our heavy responsibly has lessened now.  It was great that we could be there and it is nice that immediate family can now take over with the situation.

We will be at home this morning and some of the yard is going to be mowed. Lots of things to do as everything has been put on hold for the last two weeks.  The hot summer weather is always a challenge and we do have to work around that.  Mowing early morning is a necessity as it never cools off until late evening.  I have plants to water and am surprised as to how dry we are again.  It had never stopped raining for a while and now we have had a few days of heat to dry it all out.

I wish you all well today.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Beautiful sky picture and rose and I love the evening primrose. Take care trying to catch up with yard work. We are hot/muggy too but we are still having much rain. May the Lord bless your wife's cousin, her husband and daughter.

  2. So sorry about your wife's cousin. Seems like there is much to be in prayer about these days! Love your beautiful primroses. I know you are glad to be home more again, though so you can get things done, and enjoy the spring.

  3. I am glad that the daughter came to see to her Mom and Dad. That will make your job as closest relative easier! It is warm up here, so I imagine you are roasting :(

  4. Our work is never done!
    Glad you are getting a break and getting more happy
    things done.

  5. Glad your family member now has family members to help out and visit, although I am certain you and your wife will still keep in contact. Your flowers look lovely and sometimes I miss having a garden as we now live in an apt. But then you mentioned the watering that is needed and I found I wasn't missing them too much!
