Friday, July 28, 2017

Last Day for this Week......

The small rabbit doesn't seem to be afraid of me while I was out spraying bugs. He seems to be only eating grass which grows along the garden because it gets watered next to the zinnias. I have not seen the larger mother rabbit for a long time. I did get to watch a kestrel eat a small bird out on the neighbors fence this morning. I know the kestrel only eats small birds and rodents but I really don't want to watch it happening.

I shared this on my photo a day a few days ago.  The tiger lily that I kept saying was not living anymore in my backyard, put out blooms this summer.  I have dug it and brought it to the new garden. It didn't seem to bother it to move it as it is blooming more with its steel post support.

It is Friday and the weekend is almost here.  I wish everyone to have a good day and thanks for stopping by today.

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