Monday, July 17, 2017

Monday's Minutes from our Meeting.....

I watered the plants this morning while it was still cool.  Cool means that it wasn't in the 80s. These pear shaped tomatoes are a lot like the small cherry tomatoes.  They don't get large and I think they may be yellow in color. It may be the first variety that I have that can be eaten.

This is a ceramic bird house. I had the students make them  as a way to foster some creativity in working with clay. I made something different every year.  This one was not over worked as you can see as I didn't smooth out the coils.  I have lots of them having made one each year that I taught. Most of them are made from flat slabs of clay like when you build a gingerbread house.

Today's sunrise was similar to yesterday's but this morning it was better. It was a lot pinker when I discovered the good view but by the time I got the camera out and going it was not so pink.  It keeps being like "the size of the fish that got away thing" part of my story. The radiant light is the eye-catcher I guess even if there isn't any pink.

I spent time planting a couple of day lilies that I had lifted starts from, on Saturday.  I had to dig things for my cousins and I thought that I would treat myself to a couple of more plants for the new place.  I spent the rest of the morning in the lower level, basement, working at putting things away and cleaning bird cages.

I took the cockatiels outside and really washed out the bottom of the cage.  They like getting splattered on and one in particular kept coming at the stream of water wanting for more splashes. I have one zebra finch, male, who has lived by himself most all of the time that I have had him.  He would get nervous around other birds and pluck his neck feathers out.  I keep him by himself and his cage next to the cockatiels.  Books tell me that they birds are compatible and the finch does seem happy to have his cage next to them.  The zebra finch got a new bigger cage today that I had brought from home.  I had to sit the old cage with open door next to the new cage and just walk away from him. He eventually went into the new cage to eat the birdseed I had place in the cage. He seems very happy in his new bigger home.

While rearranging furniture and throwing things away, I found one more container of glassware to empty.  I really had it covered up with art lights from our old stdio and I ignored it.  I have yet to get into it but I may later today. I was placing my art table in place this morning and found one of my art lamps and attached it to the drawing board. I have another to go on the other side but didn't get to it. The more I unpile, the more things will be put into place.

I spent a lot of time in the basement and it looks better down there. I don't know when it will look finished but I know that it will someday.  The goal is to have a family room set up at the one end of the room with the studios and displayed artwork at the other end. I have a desk, office area right in the middle on one side.

Well I had a busy morning and now it is time to just rest.  I could work some more but resting sounds like a better thing for me.  I hope everyone is having a good Monday and all are well. Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. Great zinnias and marigolds. Love the post, especially a little peek at some of the paintings!
