Saturday, July 15, 2017

The Saturday Stall......

I chose to go work at the old place this morning and take advantage of the cool air in the morning. It did pay off as I started getting way to warm by the time I needed to come home. I thought I could get the blogging done later.  So here I am, heads in the clouds, wondering what to share.

The morning went well but I have more work to get done than is possible for one old man.  I mowed the orchard area and started trimming out sucker trees. During all of this, I took time to box up some plants to send to my first cousin, who lives south of Murray, Iowa.  She and her daughter had been begging people on Facebook, for starts of the old fashion ferns that people plant along foundations of housea.  The ferns went in the box easily.  I then got creative and sent her an iris, I think it is a cemetery iris.  I also sent her starts to the large red day lily and a start of a new larger yellow day lily.  As I type this, I now am reminded that I forgot to bring some of the flowers home.  I did bring the bulb-like things that will allow me to have them at the new house.

I have decided not to bring phlox to the new place unless I can decide on a place to put them and they don't invade the whole property.

I don't have to dig coneflowers either as the new place already has this one and a white one.  I am watching an orange looking coneflower at Walmart and am thinking I will be buying one of those.

Our place in Ankeny is so dry.  The grass is going dormant.  The place at Woodward has had so much rain that I had mud coated on my mower wheels when I returned with its in the truck. The rain just isn't happening in our area.

I don't really have much to report on my sedum today.  It is better in the new back yard than where I had it at the old place. The different colors comes from it being in the sun. I have an antique ceramic foundation block that I am now going to bring to the new place.  I think planting different kinds of sedum in the holes of the end of it would work very well.

Our old town issued notices to many people that the tile that was used for the sewer system, which is like the one you see in the photo, will have to be replaced. They had given out 182 notices to people that they coming to get them. I didn't get a letter as I remember the new sewer line to the house back in 1976 had been put in right before we bought the house. I had to deal with the indented soil in the yard as to where it had been put in.

Having the feeling of the Saturday stall also means I will probably not have a long blog today.  I am going to rest for a while before I start on another project this afternoon.  I am watching a neighbor and his dad building with wood across the way and I am so jealous. My wife want to know what I am going to make and I really can't think of anything. I guess I am stuck just unpacking.   Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. You have had a busy day. It is too hot here and we have thunder but no rain. John is bored when the weather turns this hot. It won't be long until you are all unpacked.

  2. I have never heard of a Cemetery Iris! But Gladiolas do make me think of funerals because we see so many of them in the funeral homes. I guess because they are large and showy. Your Sedum is a beautiful pastel now! And I think you should buy that coneflower at Wal-Mart. Then you would have a riot of color. Well, I guess you will be needing to set up a sprinkler for the dryness?

  3. I just happened to read that the Goddess Iris was to lead dead women to the underworld. So Greeks often planted iris next to graves. Aha!
