Thursday, July 6, 2017

Thursday's Things.......

The front planter of flowers is showing off  now.  It should look good with all the fussing I do with it. I keep it watered when it isn't raining and sometimes it gets water even if it is raining.  The raised bed effect can make it dry out faster.

My wife's multicolor petunias are really filling in the gaps now. I didn't expect the cockscomb to do this well but the do keep growing taller. I did notice that one other planter does exist along the street but it is filled with a clump birch tree.  It has been there for ten years or more. It is a nice looking set of three trees.

We were very happy to move to a newer home. We sort of thought we were losing an art gallery space as we had built one special for the old house. When we bought the place we didn't plan on the gallery being recreated. The photo shows  one of the paintings hanging at the bottom of the stairs to the lower level of the new house. I have one of my wife's landscape on the opposite side.  People coming down the stairs are getting a warning as of what will be next to be seen.

It has been three days of work and thought to get these things off the floor and onto the wall. I am just as excited to see an empty floor here in this photo. There is not a real plan here at this point as to what got hung where.  We will move things around through the years just like we did at the old house. We had about six or eight pieces not hung but they will be up.  We will take some of this work and hang it upstairs. We have hung one Split Rock painting in our hallway upstairs but we have all the rest of the house to have paintings to be selected and hung.

The two walls already have recessed lights along them.  I don't know if the original thought was for owners to line the walls with couches and chairs but we didn't. It could not have been any better for us to make our new art gallery.  Various paintings are created by my wife and myself. The paintings have been done in various times in our last 33 years of marriage. My wife has sold a large bulk of her painting over the internet.  During our move we had to stop packing and find a sky painting. A person bought one of them. It had to be packed, boxed and then shipped to South Carolina.

Some art work was still in the garage.  It was lesser work by me and it just didn't get taken to the basement. As of yesterday I did get it all out of there and moved to the lower level.  I am still moving things out of the basement and putting them in the workshop or in storage.

No big plans for today as it will be one more very hot and humid day. We do need to get food staples and stop in at the electronics store.  I am staying away from the old place one more day.  Thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Your new home is coming to gather so nicely.
    Your flowers are lovely, I am happy for you both
    looks like you did a great job.

  2. Your planter is so full and colorful and must be a showstopper for the neighbors passing by.
    I love that you have this nice space to display your and Della's art. The lights are perfect for this use. You both are very talented and it is a joy for you to share this area with us.
    Hot, humid and rainy here this evening.

  3. What a great gallery! Handy that the lights were there for the art. Love the flower bed too!

  4. That is quite a nice art gallery in your new place, Larry. Perhaps some chairs in the middle of the room would work to provide some seating for folks to sit and consider an art piece?

  5. Your new place looks like it is coming along nicely, and feeling more like yours.
    Beautiful flowers, so many vibrant colors.

  6. That's a spectacular art gallery! I'm very impressed!

  7. It is gorgeous! Like a beautiful museum. I can hardly believe that it was not planned out meticulously. I wouldn't change a thing.

  8. Such beautiful cone flowers Larry! And happy to see you have your art walls up. They look awesome!
