Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Wednesday is Free Pie Day......

The black eyed Susans are just about to open.  I had to water all of it this morning as the half inch of rain won't last very long on the hot days that we are having.

One blade of water grass continues to grow as I could not find it this morning to pull it.  It does give the photo a center of interest.

The pack of seed that the nursery planted can't ever keep their seed pure. This beautiful petunia grows among all of the multicolored ones. I really like it but never saw this variety for sell. Genetics is a fascinating field and someone out there could figure out the stray color.

My goldfish are having a temporary vacation from the inside lower level. I need to now move the larger tank to its permanent location.  It sits on a chest that also needs to be moved. The goldfish really don't mind the smaller tank as long as I keep them fed.  I do think it was a good thing for them to get into some fresh water. I put it a slime chemical and a dechlorinator chemical so they don't die from shock. It didn't take long for that outside water to warm up being outside in 98 F. temperatures. I did stack boards on top of the tank at night to keep a spare raccoon out of the tank.

This is one of my present projects that I am working on for the next two days.  I can ramble on about this piece but will wait for another blog. I was 14 years old when I built this for shop class.

It is made from birdseye maple, a wood picked out by a young kid that even then was dazzled with pattern and design. The wood is so extremely smooth when it is sanded. You don't feel any grain on the wood. I bought some new sandpaper that is suppose to be long lasting. I need to sand off the old finish in order to get a fresh clear coat on it. The grain is always highlighted and more even once the new coat is applied.

Closing down the post today with a shot of my wandering fake geese. I give them a new position and location every time I am out around them.  We are having another hot, humid day today, similar to a large part of the U.S. I have a neighbor mowing this morning because he spends time watering his grass. Thank you all for stopping for a read today.


  1. The wood is very nice in your project.
    I sure love your flower bed, too. The colors are gorgeous.
    Our black-eyed Susans are opening too, this week.

  2. What's this about Free Pie? Did I miss it? Awesome picture of the Petunia.

  3. Love the shelf. And that's a gorgeous garden spot. I'm slowly getting there, but everything has to be surrounded by chicken wire and that detracts from the beauty that's for sure!

  4. Interesting shelf unit and a treasure for sure since you made it! Your flowers in the front yard are beautiful! I love the color of the petunias:)
