Friday, August 11, 2017

Final Day of the WEEK.....

The old house is getting a new roof.  It was getting to be time to be done , whether we sell it or not it. I think it will be better to have a good looking set of shingles on top. Our pastor friend wants us to turn it into a museum of history but I just smile at him and shake my head no.

A paint job will be next on the agenda once all the siding is ready to be painted.  I am having to do some fixing of some bad, worn our siding before I think about calling the painters. I am running into some trim work that I have to get done while the shingle guy works on the other side. It will be nice to have the exterior all caught up in appearance and then we can focus on the insides a little bit.

My wife's studio is up and working well for her. She does think it is a better fit for her than the one at the old house. The flooring is great for quick cleanup and the double windows seem to be adequate for good natural lighting. An artist always has a couple of lamps hanging around over the drawing table anyway.

My parents loved having New Guinea impatient plants in a hanging planter every summer.  I bought one for the memory of them.  I found a quality of clay pots in the basement that had paint on them.  I see it is popular to show off antique clay pots so I had to join in with the fad. They are kind of neat but I would not pay big bucks for them just because they were old and painted. This New Guinea has to be watered every single day.  If I miss one day I have to take three days to get it back to looking good again.  They wilt down in the hots sun so easily.  I think my parents hung their impatient planter under an eave of the house so it was always in shade and close to the garden hoses.
This is  my blurry picture of a project that I just can't seem to get finished. I made it out of white laminate shelving that were extras from my wife studio cabinet. It was difficult to get a perfect fit but it did turn out pretty good.  I have some rough edges that I will have to paint.  The rollers are not on yet.  I ended up calking the top piece down to the cupboard just like they do when they attach counter top.  I didn't want to sink any nails through the smooth white top of the cabinet. Maybe wheels will go on today.
We met with a missionary couple for  a meal out last night.  They are on furlough and spend a lot of time visiting friends who they have know in our church for a long time.  They meet with those too who are contributing to their work to give them feedback of the progress of the work.

Swaziland is the country in Africa in which they are working for Childern's Cup Missionary.  Jerry and Karen have been there for ten years now and will return for another year in a few weeks.  One of the gifts that they gave us it this wonderful wooden bowl.  It has some zebra graphics inside of it, decoupaged I think.  Things like this ware made and sold to help with the people of the county who need work. One time they gave us a hand carved lion, made out of native wood that I could not recognize.

Thank you for stopping by today.  It is Friday and I am ready to take some time off for a change


  1. Della's Studio looks great! The old house looks good too, a new roof is a big plus. What a bunch of projects you have had since the new year began, lots of changes for you. I hope Barney is doing okay:)

  2. Reading this post, Larry, answered a question I posed in a recent comment. I wondered whether or not you had sold your former home and apparently you did not before moving to what you refer to as the "new" home. I may have missed a few posts as it's hard to blog read on a daily basis sometimes. Also, wondered whether or not you refer to the "new" house by that name because it is so much newer than your former hoe or that it's "new" to you and your wife.

  3. Our old home in a small town is 113 years old. I am trying to bring it back to some good form before I put it on the market. Our newer home is 13 years old. We both needed to be in a modern home with few stairs. My wife doesn't do the basement stairs now very often and does not need to as laundry is on the main floor.

  4. Thanks, Larry for the reply. Yes, we do understand about no longer wanting to own a home with stairs. Our mill apartment in NH is all on one level and the kaundry and trash rooms are close by. Also, there is an elevator as we are on the 5th floor. Our former home in VA house has a single set of stairs, which we can still navigate when we are there...but we much prefer our current place.that home is nearly the same age as your old home at 111 years. Lucky for us, the roof was replaced before we bought it and we didnfurther renovations in the 12 + years we lived there. Good luck to you too when the time comes to sell yours...keep us posted.
