Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Middle of the Week.......

The sky seems to be out of the news again as the moon and the sun quit showing off. Our two inch rain was such a surprise and so welcomed.  I dug plants at the old place yesterday and the ground was soggy.  I have not experienced that for a long time. The grass seems to be coming back a little and I can now mow again at the new place.  I did mow yesterday at the old place but that hadn't been mowed for three or four weeks.  I still had areas where I wasn't mowing grass but the tops of a few weeds.

We had strong winds Monday evening and the wet soil allowed the sunflowers to take a lean.  I remember that it happens but one of the sunflowers was laying on the ground.  While at the old place yesterday I picked up some more steel posts. I spent some time staking the leaning stems and sat back up the one that had fallen down.

The success of its survival will depend on its ability to get water back into the roots and stems.  It is on watchful eye by me as I just noticed it has a flower head developed and I would like to see it bloom.

I have not measured them but I am certain that they are at least twelve feet tall. With them being propped back up straighter, the three seem to be having a conversation. I do know that it will be normal for the heads to weigh down the plant and all of them will soon be bending over more.

I think this is a sedum. It is an old vine-like plant that I had growing next to an old tree. I grabbed it by handfuls in my gloved hand and brought it south. I have it temporary planted in this small pan and will move it soon to a solid earth location. I think I brought this plant from my parents home 30 years or more ago.

I am glad I picked this bargain bin item up as it will prove to be a great rose.  It is closer to being a real rose with the multi petaled bloom.  It still is not completely opened but should be some time today. I mentioned earlier that I cut it way back and watered it frequently.  It did respond to the care and now has many buds on it. The real test of course for Iowa gardeners is to see if it will winter over for spring blooms.

I am concerned that I have strayed from having a good variety of things on the blog.  I have a shelf project going on and I have other things going on outside.  I didn't post a single zinnia today and that is probably a good start for change.

Thanks for stopping by today.  This photo reminds me that I need to fill the feeder again.  Have a great day.


  1. Your Sunflowers are so very tall, I hope they live to bloom! :)

  2. Beautiful flowers...hope the roses overwinter well! Nice goldfinch!
