Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Middle of the Week.......

It was good, just not great.  I thought its seemed a little light in flavor and sugar.  I have more to just give away as I am the only one who really can eat large quantities of it.  I will share with each neighbor on each side of me and any others that I see outside.

I remember my parents growing these as a kid on the farm.  They really were special as they were not selling them in grocery stores at that time. The season seemed short.  We really can now buy them year round.

Harvesting and eating it is a good thing.  We have had fresh slices for every meal and a few batches of BLTs. They have started ripening all at once but they have slowed down so we don't have waste.

        The oxalis is enjoying being on the patio with a shelter roof above it. This group of flowers is a first for me to see.  They look like a cluster of blooms rather than the single little blooms that are seen often on the plant. The set of plants have been in that large pot for a few years. It may not go into so much shock when I bring it in this year as it is use to the partial shelter.

The pumpkin bloom is too late for making a pumpkin. The late volunteer vines keep blooming in some parts and the muskmelon vines are in decline with a gray mold forming on them.

They do all look alike after while but the color on this one is good. I am happy that they haven't all lean in different directions.  I do know the seeds will weigh down the plants and their heads will tip down eventually.

I worked at the house for a while this morning.  I really need to go back and do some major work on mowing the yard. The rains up there have kept everything growing green unlike my yard that still is somewhat dormant. We had a warmer day today with it getting up to 80 F. degrees.  I wish you all a great evening and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. I'm a cantaloupe eater too Larry ! Love the flavor...
    You have quiet the harvest there, the tomatoes look delicious.
    Flowers are fading on the vine, just a few hardy blooms are still hanging in there...
