Sunday, August 20, 2017

Stuff for Sunday......

I am assuming stray seed that was on my hands or clothes fell off of me and landed next to the statue. It grew up all alone and is blowing now. The patch that I sewed is probably 20 feet away from this location.

The volunteer morning glory is thriving and blooming. The ones that I have planted, only two have grown from the two plantings that I put in.  I don't think I will ever see blooms on those two plants. The bird bath is popular for a lot of different kinds of birds. I have an antique chicken waterer sitting inside of the bird bath so there isn't a chance for the water to run out during a hot day.

The melons came up in the garden area where I planted iris from the old place.  I want to move the iris  out of there but will wait until the melon season is complete. I am not certain, for sure, that they are pumpkins but I am thinking that is a pumpkin vine. The other vines are muskmelons as I can now out seven melons in this area.

The cannas that I purchased have been disappointing. I don't know what I am doing I guess as they have not grown to be very tall. They seem to be is the seed stage longer than in the bloom stage. They definitely were watered sufficiently.

Have a great Sunday and thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Thise orange melons sure look like pumpkins to me Larry.nhope you get some good ones.

  2. You have surprises all over in that new yard! Your Zinnias are lovely and so tall ! :)
