Sunday, August 6, 2017

The Sunday Slides into Monday......

Getting my life in order really is never going to be a finished job. Sharing what I can makes me feel better probably more than it does for my readers. It gets to be an obsession of getting a job done and taking a photo quick to share.

It looks like a used car lot now, rather than a pile of cars and trucks.  I eliminated one collection of wild birds figures from the cupboard and it gave me more space to properly display things.

The firetruck on the top of the cupboard looks pretty bad when I viewed the original product on an Antiques show recently. The original firetruck was a fancy looking light brown truck with hoses and a person in the seat.

The original toy was a fancy toy.  I inherited the truck from my "John and Iva" connection. The  four boys who played with this are all 80 years old or more. The one boy died on Normandy Beach and is buried in France.

The rewarding thing about gardening is when plants respond to special attention. I bought this rose a few weeks ago looking pretty sick.  Trimmed it all back and put it in the ground with some black potting soil.  Now it is shooting out buds. I don't know for sure that it will survive the winter but I will mulch it heavily and hope for the best.

The honeysuckle vine is blooming for the third time this season.  I was not familiar with the shrub and did notice recently that this once was a very large shrub.  It was cut back.  What I like about it is that the regular honeysuckle shrub only blooms in the spring, not continually. I guess I won't be surprised if it blooms at least one more time before the snow flies.

The knock out roses are reviving again after our one severe heat wave. I kept watering them and they did rebut and are in bloom.

Sunday looks like a pleasant day weather-wise. We are unseasonably cool right now but I am sure the heat will return. Schools open up in a few weeks and the State Fair starts this week.  It is the end of summer events that are beginning as we keep on "keeping on".  Thank you for stopping by.  Have a great day.


  1. I've found a bunch of little old toys, but no idea how to display them.

  2. LOve your old car and truck collection!! You need to build an outdoor theater and park them all there or a filling station and garage...give you something to do in your spare time! I bet you have room to set up a train in that big house of yours! :)

  3. I enjoyed seeing the antique toy cars, Larry. There's apparently a lot of history in some of your pieces.
