Thursday, September 14, 2017

Summer Views.........

The view out our downstairs guest room has a different angle on things.  I now am realizing that I need to keep watering things.  We didn't get the hurricane caused rain as it went east of us.  We have not had rain for a long time. The tomatoes sure could use it and I suppose the zinnias will last longer too. The grass has come back but still has a lot of dry spots.

One completed project was a shelf in our downstairs family room/art studio.  The arrangement on it right now is a temporary one as we really haven't moved things into any permanent arrangement. We wanted to use the shelf to hold artwork and it will probably do that as we keep deciding about the space.

I bought the brackets and a board.  The brackets take some real time to figure out how to install to stud walls and to get the level.  I finally measured from the ceiling down to get a level line for them.  I did have to fill a lot of holes and touch up the paint on the walls to get this job done.  I randomly bought a board for it and had to go back and buy one that was not made of pine.  If you get the brakes level the board should be of hardwood so a straight board can lay level.

This was an original shelf that was where the white one is now.  I had the brackets left over from years ago and I could not find anymore of them. I had them on the wall and it looked strange without enough brackets.  However, over the bed, it looks good. My wife has a lot of her doll collection in the guest bedroom and this shelf works great. The shelf is actually a recycle piece that came off of a desk unit that we threw away at the old place. While tearing that desk apart I notice that it was too go to be sent to the landfill.

My wife always checks my pockets before she washes my clothes.  I did remember to do this myself after working at the old place Tuesday.  I thought the sight of all the fasteners in the glass coaster seemed incongruent. I don't seem to have my work carpenter apron anymore so all the nails and screws go into my pockets. When standing on a ladder or step-ladder it helps to have nails ever present or you have to go up  and down the steps too many times. I have it down to if it is a smooth nail or a rough nail in my pocket, so I don't have to sort them outside my pocket.

While watering this morning I will refresh the bird bath.  The old-fashioned chicken waterer is there so I am always having water out there if I don't get the whole bath filled.  Those glass chicken waterers are now sold as plastic. I have shots of a dove that chose to sit on the ledge of the birdbath for avery long period of time.

Yes the tacky looking speaker is in the photo too. We bought a palm for out living room to fill a blank spot between two pieces of furniture. The electric outlet between the two seemed to be an accent to the wall and it looked bare. We bought the pot at the same place. The palm actually had real dirt, potting soil, so I just had to add a few inches of dirt around the roots.  It makes sense that a plant the size would live in those soil mixes with very little soil in them. The stores would not be able to keep them alive as they sat in the store.

We still haven't hung any paintings in the living room.  The one above the fireplace is going to get a nail and hang from the wall soon.  We both agreed it was the perfect fit so we will hang it. Our stairway to the basement has a big blank wall which we can hang things on but it will be a daredevil deed.  The former owners left two hooks in that wall  that held a quilt banner. We won't be doing that. I will have to figure out a ladder system to get the hooks down and then we can decide if anything will go on that large blank wall.

I am taking another day off from working at the old place. My stairs project is still ongoing and I have bulbs to plant.  Resting is suppose to be a part of my plan today.  We will be hotter today than yesterday.  I wish everyone a good day. Thanks for checking out my post.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're nearly as busy as I am! An endless list of things to do.
