Monday, October 16, 2017

Full Moon.....

The other moon hangs over my corner of my house. I remember when the first dishes came out many years ago. The dish was probably four feet wide and required a concrete platform.  They are not in use anymore but you can still see a few of them still installed out in the rural areas of Iowa.


  1. Yup we've got on just like it and spend a fortune to make it get several hundred channels and I still have a hard time finding anything worthwhile to watch....:( Oops sorry about that but your find photo just set me off...:)

  2. Yes, we have cut down what we pay towards them. The only thing we like is the recording system that they have so we can collect shows to see because there are nights there is nothing to see. I tape all the House building shows and PBS shows that we can't see when other stuff is on.

  3. We just have fiber optic cable. We had Direct TV and a dish and when it rained or snowed we had no TV and still had a big bill. They seemed to raise their prices every few months. Now we bundle everything with our land line, computes and TV. it is easier and since they are local they come out to fix problems usually the next day :)
