Friday, November 3, 2017

Taking Flight.....

As I drove back into the lagoon area where the city has people drop off their twigs, branches, and leaves, I saw waterfowl.  I looked over at one of the dikes of the one lagoon and there were Canadian geese lining the whole area.  After I had unloaded things from the truck, I pulled back up closer and then walked over to them.  They were not tame as they took off in groups to get away from me.

Most all of the fields have had their grain harvested so they can go out and glean the spilled seeds.  They like a good bean field as there seems to be more pods of soybean the drop to the ground. There are three ponds out here and you can see the divisions between them here. I was out last week and heard the geese honking as they flew out of the area.  I really didn't expect to see them resting on that dike.

There is a single lane gravel road that one takes to get there.  It was built between two farms.  One has to always look to see if someone is on the road when you enter so you don't find yourself having to back up a lot of the road. There are power poles all along the road to supply electricity to a pump station out there.

Along the gravel road you can see horses and cattle that are feeding on some hay bales.  My very first time I was ever out to this dumpsite was in the winter. The school was helping pick up debris from our neighbors farm field after the tornado. I was selected to drive the school truck and take kids out to unload it. That was in March and the road was frozen with ice and snow. That was twelve years ago.

I worked at the old place this morning and did take a lot more photos. The burning bushes are turning more red. The majority of my trees there still have not dropped many leaves.  I now have more photos than I can share having driven out the past two days.  Thank you for stopping by today.


  1. Love that last photo from your old home/yard. John occasionally will see a yard sale listed online and it ends up being on a one lane gravel road that scares me to death! lol I am glad you have this dump site though. Pretty photos from your being out and about.
