Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Can You See Me Now?

I am still adjusting to the new glasses but I do like being able to see again. I bounced back and forth to wire rims all my adult life.  I did take time to have those huge lensed glasses in the 70's or 80's but to the most part I have been peering through the small sized lenses for a long time. Because of the change in my left eye the past few years,  I was closing it most of the time so I could focus.  I know it is the big glasses look right now but I didn't want circle glasses or square ones.

The only space that I have for the small train is a crowded one. It is limited space and I can't really line it all in a row to display it. I moved it around so I could photograph it.

I think that it is so neat to have the smaller sizes and you can still feel like you are in the train yard. My display for the trains is just on hold. Life gets to be too busy to do the fun things.

I hung all the twelve snowmen ornaments and really didn't take time to look at them. This guy definitely is a smiling guy with an over-decorated present or two. I am glad that I do pick these up when I see them as most stores don't offer them anymore. I do now remember that I bought the snowmen at a sale at a home store. One can buy them individually but to thee most part they are actually plastic.

The village is fun to assemble. Our having two different areas to display them allows us to spread them out into of a more natural looking village. It is easier to appreciate the different items when they are not all packed in tight. We haven't bought a new one for quite a long time. Our son gifted us a couple a few years back from a garage sale.

I am returning most of my purchases for my wife  from yesterday and will try again today.  I was wearing the new glasses and things were not working well.  I had bought something for my wife that was exactly the same item but in a different color. I think I can do better if I just start over again.  I did catch myself realizing the fancy flannel shirt that I had at the counter was one she already owned. I think things will be smoother today.  I can read sizes and prices better now but I have to hold them out in front of me a couple of feet. I couldn't focus on anything before so removed my glasses in order to read.

Everyone stay store during this holiday season. I wish you all to have a good day.  Thank you for checking in on my post today.


  1. I do love seeing your Christmas villages and accessories and all the unique ornaments on your trees. John has an eye exam on the 27th. I am sure he will need new glasses this time.
    Best wishes with shopping for Della.
    Enjoy this Christmas season.

  2. Being able to see and read is a good thing! Good luck with your shopping! :)
