Saturday, December 9, 2017

I Won a Prize......

Extra stuffed animals that are way too big to go onto a Christmas tree get to hang out on the entry way bench. Some items were added to my wife's collection as I emptied out a closet in the old house. There were a few more of them that do qualify for the collection.  Anything too large sits on the floor under the tree or like now on the bench.

The tree fits well in the entry way as the bears really stand out in color against the green tree.  It is just as effective as a decoration with the lights off as it is with the lights being turned on. This tree was our actual first tree to be decorated. I have another one that I will be working on today.

We are not going to go play at the bookstore today as we have things to do here at home. My wife is close to finishing a commissioned painting and it has to be sent out before Christmas. I need to catch up on my own list.  The journey to the old house seems to always take most of my day. The securing of the potter's wheel is one major thing off my list.  I am able to walk and type this morning after my workout yesterday.  I won't be carrying heavy things around again for quite a while though.

I won a neat hand-sculpted ornament last night in the mail from Minnesota.  I think I have mentioned that I don't bother to check the mail until after 9:00 in the evening.  Our post office can't find enough help to deliver the mail for our city. They hire post masters from the small towns in the area to work their routes to catch up.  Back to the neat ornament.  Far Side of Fifty and her husband are master wood carvers.  They  create wonderful things while carving.  They also send out Christmas ornaments to family and friends each year.  This year Far Side drew names from her blogger friends and I won this wonderful fishing lure.  I will take better photos of it as it gets hung on the tree. I am really impressed with the idea and the paint job is really wonderful.  It reminds me of the old days when my dad would open his tackle box and have all these different wooden ours.  His favorite as years went by was a metal shiny one called a "Dare Devil". Check out the things that happen with Far Side of Fifty blog and also their many kinds of creations.  There are good recipes on there too.

This shows the visual of my task for the day.  They are my collections of cheap glass blown ornaments. I use to buy them only after Christmas, on clearance sale.  They remind me of the ornaments of old and they are smaller than the normal sized glass blown. I use to be gifted some of them from family when we use to exchange gifts.  The ones that I get for big bucks don't mix with these and they get to be on the big tree.

 The big tree glass blown ones look like this.  We didn't get snow but we are not sad about that. We are cold though and I have to dress warmly to get outside with Barney.  Barney wishes that he could live out there when he gets too warm in the newer house. I was thinking that I use to shovel paths for our little white dog as he couldn't make it in deeper snow.  Barney will be wobbly but will like walking in the snow. If he falls down, it is easy landing.

It is Saturday and I wish you to have a good day.  Thank you for checking in today.

As I proof my blog, I recognize that I am tired.  I seem to get two trains of thought interwoven as I write in a very ramble fashion. Some of you probably are saying that I do that all the time, I just never noticed it before now. 


  1. Fun to win the ornament. Love seeing your beautiful Christmas decorations. Enjoy putting those on the tree today!!!

  2. I follow your blog post just fine. As I get older, I notice that I have to keep "re-reading" everyone's post so I won't forget to comment on something. I love the animals on the bench. They will be cute around the base of the tree also. Congrats on your win from Far Side. That's a treasure. I was afraid you would be very sore today from your work yesterday. Hope you guys will enjoy your afternoon/evening. Give Barney a "hi" from us!

  3. You can ramble all you want for me. It just makes me feel at home!

  4. I am so glad the ornament arrived safely and that you like it! I see you are way ahead of me with your trees:)

  5. Ha! So you won it! I was wondering what Far Sides carving skills were like. Looks pretty good. Ready for the tree.
