Tuesday, December 26, 2017

It Is Cold........

It was minus 1 degree F. on the deck when I snapped this. No coat but I did put on some shoes as I took the quick shot. The blur is caused my jerking in and out so quickly. It has now warmed up to 1 degree F. and should make it up to 10 degrees F. if we are lucky. Cold is not visible from just looking outside but when I walk the dog, the cold can be felt as it freezes the bluejeans to my legs. The sun is located there to the far right of the photo just behind the one roof top.

My new camera was able to take this shot, in low light, without a flash. I am sure it isn't in great focus or resolution but it is remarkable of the mood it captures.

The camera will give me shots like this but it would have been better to turn on the lights. I did read the manual but learning the use still takes practice. It is a big step up, camera-wise, from the one that I had used. We will leave our trees up for a while now as it is fun to just appreciate them after Christmas.

I really liked the detail that the lens is picking up. This was low lighted also and it is still a good shot. Our manger scene fit nicely on our new mantle with the wider shelf to make it easier to display. The camel is such a character  with his long eyelashes.

This is a study in not using the camera correctly. I am not frustrated with this as much as I just don't have the feel for the buttons that I push.

I will have a lot of time taking shots to get back up to speed with better photos. We are going to have a low key week resting and finishing up a few projects that didn't get done before Christmas. I can believe that the two inch snow will stay around for a while and I might go buy a snow blower this winter. I hope everyone is well and I do appreciate you stopping by today.


  1. Ah yes... Blurry pictures. My camera phone takes "good enough" pictures... and is sturdy enough to bring along without me worrying about drops or batteries. Now if only I could manage to not lose it occasionally. At least Cheryl can call it after I lose it ...and so far, people have returned it to me. (I'm very lucky and thankful)

    Since the blog, I have wondered about upping my game in the picture department. Then again, I take a lot of "action shots". So blurry is simply part of the game.

    I am interested in the dimmer light shots. I would love to be able to capture the moon or stars on those dark Iowa Nights. So far, none of my cameras have been able to do that.

  2. The new camera takes great pics. I do not blame you for enjoying your pretty trees/decorations for a while. The light from a Christmas tree is so beautiful.

  3. I knew the cold would get there. stay warm:)

  4. Happy after Christmas to you, Larry.

    I have been away from the blog world for awhile as far as reading fellow bloggers recent posts. Thanks for your recent comments on a few of my own. Some were pre-scheduled before we left on 1n extended road trip from which we didn't return until the week before Christmas.

    Our "stops" included checking the VA house and getting some minor repairs completed, then learning the closing date would not happen aa expected (mortgage commitment extension requested). We saw friends in DC and attended the USAF band holiday concert as well as going to our granddaughter's 1st birthday party in PA. While in VA there was no internet access at the house and I was unable to read fellow bloggers holiday posts (drat). We did spend Christmas in our own place for the first time in several years and that was great!

    Your trees are lovely and like you we are also keeping up ur little tree and decos since we only put everything up the Friday before the 25th and like to enjoy everything a bit longer into January. it always amazes me just how quickly folks take down their decos, but possibly because of having commitments to work, family, etc, it's a necessity for them.

    Good luck with your new camera. I must have missed an earlier post in which you wrote about getting it but was curious as to what brand, model it is and what features it has.

    I hope that the coming new year holds wonderful surprises in store for you and that they are all good ones.

  5. Nice tree! Hope that new camera works well.

  6. Nice tree! Hope that new camera works well.

  7. Now that is COLD! Good grief! Try to stay warm! Love the shots taken with your new camera.
