Friday, December 15, 2017

End of the Week's Worth.......

The village is set out but not placed in its new location in the living room. Maybe this weekend we can get it organized and put out all the people that go with it.

The ledge on the stairs is its temporarily location plus three businesses are setting on the stair.  Somehow we have lost one of the pieces to the collection.  It wasn't in a box but was bought at a garage sale. I can't figure out where it is.

This was always on the fireplace mantel but it fits perfectly reached from end to end on the stair railing. I had to invent a way to attach it without destroying the wood rail.  My wife has some ribbons to put on the exposed wires to finish off the job.

Leaning tree is showing its response to the strong wind that comes down the valley. There were bricks on the base but the continue wind shaking the tree causes the bricks to slide off of the base. I will wire the thing down today to the deck floor.

It is a sad sight but it looks great at night when I right it up and turn on the lights. It is strange that we don't have snow out there but we will.  Our seasons are so similar each year and sometimes the snow doesn't come until a few days before Christmas.  Our temperatures are still staying decent with the severe cold not invading us.  That too will change because we live in Iowa on the great plains.

Shipping out my wife's painting today after I get the box created and everything is packed to keep it safe.  We have gifts to ship out today also for our kids who live in Maine. It may not make it out there in time but every year the time varies.  We need to get shopping now for a sister so we too can get it shipped.  The distance is not that far but getting it there in time would be good.  I had to go clear my workroom and storage area so I could get to the mat cutter. It will help me in reworking a box and also cut foamcore for surrounding the canvas.  I will share photos later of the painting once the new  owners have received it.

One ornament that represents our yellow kitty is hanging on the tree. We lost her a few years ago and she still is in our memory.  I found the ornament in a sale box after Christmas one year along with two others that resembled our two dogs at the time. The newest shiny brite set did end up on the big tree.  We are now finished with putting up trees and it is a good feeling.

Some people seem to be ready for the season way ahead of time.  We don't ever get things done as soon as we should, but we do get them done. Living close to many different kinds of stores has relieved us of a lot of stress.  Driving a few short miles just to shop for two people makes it so much easier.  We can return the next day to do the next set and not have to shop for everyone all at the same time. That is so stressful to do it like that.


  1. I love seeing your little lighted village Larry, and what a perfect spot to display the entire set !
    You'll have to sandbag your tree down on the deck, the wind we are having today, would blow it completely over the
    Pretty ornaments, you have such a wonderful collection.
    Onwards and upwards as they say :)

  2. Isn't it frustrating to move and have a few things that you just cannot find? The garland is very pretty on the stairwell. I know the tree on your deck is very festive at night. Our hairdresser had an inflatable Santa that was held down by a brick the other day and the wind was so strong, he kept blowing until finally she brought him indoors! lol I greatly admire and enjoy you and your wife's Christmas decorations. I look forward to viewing her latest painting. All the best.

  3. p.s. I did forget to say that I remember Yellow Kitty very well and how precious that you have an ornament.

  4. I remember Yel;low Kitty too! Such a cute ornament ! Your leaning tree made me smile. I bet it is beautiful at night.
