Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Snow Fall.....

The snow was not extremely heavy but it still did build up on things. I can tell how much snow we have by looking at the patio table or my geese. The shoveling of the walks was not in vane yesterday but the winds did keep shifting things around. My cleared driveway was covered again by late afternoon as the northwinds kept moving it around.

The buildup on the feeder seems pretty established for a while. I see this shot and wonder why feeders are designed the way that they are.  I guess it is less costly to make the smallest tray as possible for a feeder. When the birds land on the feeder they have to either stand sideways with it or lean back as this one is doing.

I almost took this fake tree down last week but it is giving me some good pictures to take of the snow. I turn the light on it when it is snowing just for fun.  It is Tuesday morning and our temperatures are below 0 degrees F. We are getting a heavy fluffy snow right now making it look Christmas-like.  We will warm up tomorrow but not today. Supposedly we will be above freezing on Thursday and some snow will melt.

The mugs are going to be sent to my cousin in New Mexico.  She likes having some of my mom’s old things.  The handled dipper I will keep as I can water flowers outside with it. I don’t throw those kinds of things away as historically they were used for dipping and transfer water for many different reasons. I remember using one daily for drinking from a water bucket. We had one as a dipper to drink from a water bucket.  I remember my parents using them to water animals, pouring water into pans. I have three or four of these from different estates.

 I am tired of winter and all that is involved with it.  We don’t have to go anywhere today and yet I need to go to the hardware store.  It is at the top of our hill less than a mile away. I will wait for it to stop snowing before I go out there.

I wish you all to have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by the blog today.


  1. Tired of winter so soon? I cannot blame you:)

  2. I can sure understand you all getting tired of the snow by now...I felt that way this time last year! :-)

  3. I know your cousin will be proud to receive the mugs. I remember grandma having a dipper like this one. Brings back sweet memories. We are weary of bad weather and the threat of catching flu each time we step out the door.
