Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday’s Sluggish Start......

My shop floor rug is clean again.  I had made minor cuts of wood on my drop down saw and it left a fine powder of sawdust.  I promised myself that I will get that saw outside when it warms up and try not to ever cut wood in the basement shop again. We don’t have a place to put that rug for now so it does make my shop look fancy.

The monkey that was hiding in my tinker toy box was removed from the box.  I don’t have a clue where he came from but he looks like he was attached to something and he would swing on it.  It could have been at my parents home where the tinker toys had been most of my life. I brought them to my place while closing their house down for sale.

I may have posted this on my Photo a Day blog. See if you can find him in the log jam of tinker toy parts.

The peperomia plant has been moved back upstairs into better lighting.  I do have a goal to cut off a lot of the vine and poke it into another pot of dirt. It changed color while downstairs in lower light.  I will wait o see if it becomes a darker green in color.  It really has grown from the small six inch sprouts in a small plastic pot that I bought two or three years ago.

I am having a blog slump today and really am forcing myself to do this. I did have a good thing happen a few days ago when the District Court told me that I didn’t have to come in for jury duty this whole week.  I have to call in on a Friday to see if I am on duty for the next week. I did get the first week canceled.  They did suggest that they do have a court case but it was postponed for next week. I have lots of things to do but I guess I will be occupied off an on for the entire month of February.  It isn’t far to travel from where I live but the parking is a very difficult thing. Things will seem better tomorrow.

I took down my wreath yesterday from the garage gable and I have to put away my golden shiny deer for the season.  Other wise all is done down concerning decorations.  Tomorrow is a new day.  Thank you for stopping by today


  1. Jury duty, getting there and parking are always difficult.

    John vacuumed and mopped our basement, it is just cement floor. Glad your pretty rug came clean.

    I always loved tinker toys. That's a cute monkey. Whenever John works in our yard, he comes in telling me the diff. items he found. The man who lived here was bad to throw stuff off the deck to the woods below!

    Your plant and the sky pics are very nice. We've had a day of rain - very dreary!

  2. Jury duty could be exciting, you fancy rug looks good . Sawdust is the worst, Maybe a spot to saw in your garage that way you just have to wash vehicles
