Sunday, January 21, 2018

The Sunday Stuff........

The  view of the deck on Saturday morning shows the sun reflection off of the clouds. In a short time the sun rose and this all went away.

My hardy geraniums continue to bloom on my workshop bench in the basement. The two other plants sitting near it do not act like they will bloom but this one sits close to the lights.

They never made them upstairs for Christmas.  As I unpack things for the decorating season, these three did not make the grade. I moved them out of the way as I was looking for a tool and thought I should just take a shot. I didn’t bother to straighten thins up because it is my work area.  I had to buy a new bottle of Gorilla Glue the other day as I had used up one since I moved.

I did get the big tree completely down and stored away in the basement. I have a small one yet to do but it is in the spare bedroom and I am not bothered enough to take it down. I didn’t get my shelf finished yesterday and I didn’t get my outside lights taken down from outside  I also did not get the car washed yesterday.  I am hopping the rain today will help it rinse off a little until I get a real car wash. . Now the I have shared all my failures I do have to share that the big tree dismantleing is a huge relief to erase any guilt.  I seem to set too many goals for one day.

Tomorrow I go to the dentist to finish off the dental project.  I know the weather will be a little questionable but the dental office says I must come with hail or high water.  Their business is struggling as people don’t have all the dental insurance anymore.  They need every customer that they can get. It is funny that the dental office doesn’t know that desperation is in their attitude. I will be glad to get finished with the last of the bridge project.

The melting continues night and day was we have been above freezing for a long time. We still have some in piles out there but to the most point it is gone.  I wish you all a good day to day and everyone take care.

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