Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday, A Good Place to Start.....

The male and female house finches have striking color differences. You could not use that red as a camouflage unless you hid in a field of flowers. Both of them seem to enjoy the sunshine as they ate seeds yesterday morning.

I had three different males at the feeder this morning and they did seem to be testy with each other about sharing the feeder.

The junco does pick great places to let them check out the feeders. They fly out of the area through these slots in the deck barrier without a problem. The turn themselves sideways to fly through it and it goes so fast you almost don’t see the make that spin.

The gallery area is still a work in progress. We displayed everything to just get it off the floor or out of boxes.  Some of the work is old, meaning not so good compared to our new work. Some of it was trial and error work by me as I worked through the artist thing. Fine tuning the quality of work will happen as we feel more settled and more comfortable to just rearrange it. We haven’t been in the house for a full year yet so we have time to readjust and redesign.  We eventually want to make one end of the room more like a living/family room.  I guess this would be the end to do it with but we wait for now.

My wife is back to painting but I have yet to start. I still am working on the old house and pushing things around in the new house, garage and bottom floor of this house.

We both are feeling so much better but we are not very strong. The virus seems to just hang on and manifest itself in aches, pains, congestion and coughing. When you are feeling like you are back to normal, one of those things shows up again.

We are having extreme cold temperatures again today.  Barney’s feet get to cold in the middle of his outing so we have to come back in and thaw out his paws. He hasn’t had that happen for quite a while.  The melted stuff from sunshine is all frozen now and makes a loud crunching sound. I shoveled out a place for my garbage can be as the city cleaners keep up the clearing and building of snow along the side of the streets. We are promised a good warm up on Wednesday.

Everyone take care out there as we get through this winter.  I hope all are staying inside and staying safe.  Thanks for stopping by today.

1 comment:

  1. It is fun to see all your art work on the walls! That is a lovely area of your home. After being sick since Jan 18 I am FINALLY almost rid of the cough and have a little energy. Rest and fluids help, take care of yourselves! :)
