Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday Shots......

It was here for such a short time that I couldn’t get a good shot. The downey is pretty but I haven’t seen in at my suet feeder at all during this season.

Mums are showing up but aren’t too far along. I need to get out and survey what is happening in the backyard.  Today is a warm day and most of the snow is gone.  It feels good not to be overdressed for extreme cold temperatures. 

The squirrel is glad to have had the feeders fill up. Like them or hate them, they just are being squirrels. 

I bought some thistle seed to day to get my goldfinches coming back.  I know they are out there but they really don’t like much in the random bird seed variety. 

I am ready for spring but I know better as I have lived in Iowa all of my life. We can get stops in March and ice and snow on May Day.  I do think the warmer times are here for a while and that make me happy.

Thanks for checking in on my post today.


  1. Will you pinch the mums back after they get to be so tall? That way they will be shorter and have more blooms. We had 42 degrees today:)

  2. We are in full spring, but like you we could still get a winter smack.
