Saturday, February 24, 2018


The sparrow duo are so glad to find something to eat. The skillet works well until it fills up with rain water. The snow and ice then freeze over and I have to lean the pan on its side against the deck rail.

It is a blurry shot of the squirrel trying to get into the neighbors back yard, two lots over.  He did return after walking the fences to get to our deck. That is when I took all of yesterday’s shots. It is fun to watch them walk all the different kinds of fences.

My violets are not doing so well at this time of the year.  I think they like it better in air-conditioned temperature and the heat is hard on them. The soil seem to dry out much faster and effects the blooming. This is the lonely one violet that is in bloom right now.

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The house finches are alway a loyal couple.  I enjoy shooting shots of them as they don’t spook so much when the see the camera. The sparrow spooks at any sign of movement.

The last grocery store bouquet has lasted a long time. I had to throw away a carnation but all the rest have lasted weeks.  This photo is little bit blurred but the color of the flowers is so great to see.

We are staying home today as freezing rain and snow mix will be going on all day.  When I took Barney outside this morning we were pelted with sleet and rain. The hood of my coat sounded like I was getting bombarded. I could still hear the roar of the traffic on the interstate but I was wondering when that would slow down with a buildup of snow and ice. Winter continues in Iowa and we survive.  Thanks for stopping in at the post today.


  1. Hope for you this is the last winter blast,
    we are getting strong rain storms.

    Too warm here for this time of the year.
    We go from 70's to low 40's.
    Spring flowers are up and some are blooming.

  2. The birds are grateful for your kindness, especially since you are still having freezing temps.
    Our weather has turned warm, yesterday the Bluebirds were out :)
    Love the photos Larry !

  3. Winter continues up here too, it has been snowing since early afternoon. Stay safe if it gets icy:)

  4. Those darn house sparrows all always there to pig out.

  5. I'm glad you feed the birds! In the winter they need our help!
    Great photos !!
    Happy Sunday !
