Saturday, February 10, 2018

Saturday Shorts......Maybe Shots Too.

I am adding another bird to my list that I can now photograph. It is taking a long time to get the birds to feed here.  This dove sits on top of my garden storage shed. He is collecting fallen seed from the feeder above it. I am thinking I may just put a tray here for seed. It will be goof for the birds but I won’t get good shots as it is below the living room window.

The feeder above it is this one.  The sparrows fight for a place at the feeder as they fly in large flocks in the early morning. I have seen juncos come in and drive off the whole side of the feeder so it can eat undisturbed.

We had another new layer of snow added to our totals.  We don’t have that much but we did have wind during the night to move all of the loose snow around into nice drifts. I will be shoveling out some of the deepest parts and get things cleaned up for the next snowfall on Sunday.

We both are living with the leftovers of the virus attacks.  I don’t know when the normal energy levels will return but I am going to do more each day to get myself built up strength wise. again.  We do need to make a grocery run today and may get us a Big Mac to bring home for lunch.  It is fun to cheat on the meal making  routine once in a while.

I appreciate your stopping by today.  I hope you have a good weekend.


  1. It seems to me that feeders have to be messy to attract a variety of visitors.

  2. What fun to have a Dove:) I hope you will be feeling better soon. I think I am on the third week and I still cough and tire easily. That is some wicked virus. Take care of yourself! :)
