Monday, February 5, 2018


The snow started early this morning. You can not see the grass anymore as it has snow 3 or more inches already.

No bird can sit on this ledge of the deck now as it is piled too high for them to land.  I don’t what the  junco is doing but he seems to be waiting and watching for something.

He turns to look at me but doesn’t fly away. He did get some company later when two other juncos came to join him.

It is a quiet snow storm as my hearing is down because of the cold and the whole place is completely quiet as we watch this blanket of snow keep falling. We have a lot of snow in the front of the house as Barney and I had to plow through it for him to visit the yard. I could tell that he sort of did like it as he could wander anywhere because he couldn’t find his usual trail.

We won’t get out today again as we are still under the cold influence and are sick.  We are better in someways but I don’t feel as well as I first thought that I did when I first got up. We were exposed to this last Wednesday and we still do have it today.

Thanks for stopping by today.

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