Saturday, March 3, 2018

It is a Positive Start......

I have three sprouts of this coming up and another one that is reddish in color. I am thinking that these could be daffodils. It will be a while before I will know for sure.  I was shocked to see them up but it is the first week of March.

The two squirrels continue to look for free food.  This is a new position for this guy who really is hanging onto the feeder by his back paws. The feeders are less busy now as the snow has cleared.  I have my finch feeder out but have not seen a one.  I had lots of goldfinch last spring. They don’t migrate so assume that the found a better place to find seed.

It was a strange set of clouds that were covering the moon. It didn’t really ever focus but I the effect that was created is good to see.

The flower beds do look like they are thawing out faster than soil on ground.  I did notice today that there is less frost in the ground as the grass felt softer than it has been.  To think last week it was brittle with frozen rain that Barney didn’t want to walk on it.

There is not sign of any bulbs coming up yet in the yard planter.  I did plant a lot of them there so it will be good to see some by next week. The peonies are  not pushing through yet in the long narrow bed.

The kestrels are still flying though our back yard.  I don’t know if this house finch escaped with his life with him just losing a chunk of his feathers. The kestrel that I saw last fall was vicious and he didn’t hesitate to gut out a bird.

Our area does feel like spring but we are still not in the fifties yet.  I can tell by the sky shots that spring is coming. We are having a quiet day at home today.  Both of us are moving slowly today.  Thanks for stopping in at the post today.

1 comment:

  1. You have the beginnings of spring! Your yard looks good! We are bracing for a snow storm we will have to see if it hits:)
