Wednesday, March 7, 2018


It is promising to be a beautiful day.  It is not going to warm up today though with a high of 30 degrees F.  I keep thinking I should save this shot for tomorrow but I may get a much better shot on on the deck. I was limited on this shot as I was too lazy to put on shoes.  I stood out next to the snowbank and held my camera out my arms length to get a blind shot.

The birds are up on the deck searching for fallen seed. They mostly are juncos that are out walking in the snow.  There is a little melting going on as the wood deck doesn’t get as cold as the ground.

I almost didn’t blog today as I just have run out of new things to photograph.  I know I just being lazy but I did muster up some energy to find new things for sharing.

We have seen the commercial so many times that my wife picked up a couple of these to sample taste them.  Being shaped into a egg is one more tempting way to eat them.

He now leans against the tree to help him from being blown down with the strong northerly winds.  He kept falling down and landing on his nose. He was not a convincing lawn ornament when he would do that.

We are venturing out for a short time today.  I know the roads are better today after yesterdays snow.  Only one pile up yesterday and one death from another accident involving a van. People are younger and still can’t figure it out on how to drive on snow covered roads.

I wish everyone to have a good day.  Thanks for stopping by today.

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